K.G.N.M. Trust, Andhra Branch, Seethanagaram, a remote village on the banks of sacred Godavari river amidst rural surrounding (25 k.M from Historical Rajahmundry) East Godavari District is lodged in a 14 acres of land. This Ashram holds the rare distinction of producing maximum number of Freedom Fighters from various fields. It can be proudly said that it is one of the most active branches of the KASTURBA GANDHI NATIONAL MEMORIAL TRUST which is strictly adhering to the Gandhian ideology and doing yeomen services for the upliftment of the weaker women of the society.
Dr. Durgabai Deshmukh was the first Prathinidhi(who shouldered the complete responsibilities of working the branch) of the Trust. Many illustrious personalities like Dr.Rajendra Prasad, Dr.V.V. Giri, Pt. Nehru, Dr. B. Pattabhi Seetharamaiah, Neelam Sanjeeva Reddy have been associated with the Trust in the past.D.Buchi Krishnamma, Dr.M.Vijayalakshmi, R.Samrajyam and M.Surya Kumari ran the organisation with sincerity and devotion and brought it to the present status.
Service in the villages has got its own valuable importance. I feel proud to see these centres. They are like small lamps Deepak Jyoti which throw light all round and when spread up all over the country. Together they can be bright like sunlight-any humanitarian work in the memory of Ba and Bapu attracts me the work is so beautiful and sound I myself feel privileged to visit them Country’s hope lies in these devoted workers.
I am Pleased to know that the organization is a doing its best for promoting self expression and development of our women. As I have said often, they should have equal rights with men and participate in those walks of life especially for which they are best suited. E.g. Nursing education.
I send my high appreciation of and good wishes kasturba Gandhi National Memorial Trust for the excellent work it has done and is doing in varius parts of the country. This has been a fitting memorial to the beloved lady kasthurba Gandhi Far better than putting up statues and such like memorials, this Trust has worked for the uplift of women in various ways and done very good work. I wish it all success in future.